Which one are you? Have you ever thought about it? Look around you. In one hand, you will see people whom are always watching for new model. In the other hand, you will see people whom keep on riding their years old motorbikes.
The first group I named them ‘bikers’. They like motorbikes but only the latest model. Only new models satisfy them. This group of people spends a fortune on their hobby. Their want the latest model and the most powerful.
The second group I named them ‘riders’. They like motorbikes but enjoy them most during riding. It does not matter if they own an older model but their machines are always ready for another one of those rides. This group of people spends hours on their motorbikes and travel miles with joy.
Me! Well, I would rather be in the second group. What ever motorbikes I am on, I will always enjoy the ride.
You! You do not have to decide now. Which ever group you decide to be in later, the only thing that I will say, ride with me!
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