Saturday, November 25, 2006

How Durable Are These Small Wonders

Anyone can assemble small motorbikes here. Make it nice looking and sell it at really good price. You can sell many of them. But wait; can you sustain a sale volume over long period?

It can be beautiful. It can be cheap. But if it breaks down often, chances are, you will have to close down your assembly line after a year.

It had happened to a number of assembler before. They gain the market quickly but their lost their customer also quickly.

Why? Their motorbikes break down soon after their leave the showroom.

It does not matter much if you do not have the latest design. It does not matter much if it does not run so fast. It does not matter much if it is a little expensive. But it is really a big matter to have it strong and durable.

The engine should be able to run for hours without any problem. The motorbikes should be able to travel thousand of kilometers every month for many month. It should be able to carry loads without causing the engine to overheat or to simply will not move.

Riding a motorbike between 150 to 200 kilometers a day is quite normal here. Everyday throughout the year. In the hot sun or in the rain.

This type of riding requires durable motorbikes.

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